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Tension High as 8 Lions Are Spotted Roaming

Tension is high after marauding lions were spotted roaming unguarded in the north region of Lake Naivasha.

Kenya Wildlife Services have been informed of their whereabouts and they suspect that they escaped from the Lake Nakuru National Park in the past one month.

Maella MCA Gathariki Kamanu confirmed that he was aware of the situation and that they were working with KWS to ensure the lions are contained as soon as possible.

"They (lions) were first spotted by motorists along the Moi North Lake Road who informed the KWS about them," he stated.

He went on to divulge his concerns regarding the danger the wild animals posed to the school going children in the area.

"We are very worried for the safety of the little school goers because they have to go to school very early and may chance upon the lions," he opined.

There have been search parties launched to track the stray animals and return them to Lake Nakuru National Park where they belong to.

"We are well aware of the situation and we have rangers searching for the big cats and return them to their home in L.Nakuru National Park." Hellsgate National Park warden Peter Lekeren told the residents.

Cases of lions straying from game parks have been recorded by citizens and they are not amused with such incidences.

Last year, a pride of lions was seen walking along Lang'ata Road in Nairobi after they escaped the confines of Nairobi National Park.
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