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Woman Loses Her Job After Her Photo Was Photoshopped on a Nude

With the intense prevalence the social media and the internet have both posed at this age, you always ought to be careful because your sadists are right there with you. They are only a button-click way to put you down. So it is rational you watch what you share, and with who.

What you post may turn to haunt you when the doors of your blessing are due. It has turned out a setback to a lady in Nigeria after “her raunchy” photo emblazoned in a tweet went viral.

The lady, known as @Papaya_ex, is known to be a celebrated social media personality, always having followers mostly masculines drawn to her posts, forgive the fact she is a lady anyway.

She tweeted on how fans needed to be getting in to an artist’s concert in Nigeria:

Marlians are you ready for me tonight?” Read Papaya’s tweet, of course, accompanied by her picture.
The above was her initial post. The images here were decent before likely one of her followers took the photos and photoshopped them on a nude lower body part.
Photoshopped image of @papaya-ex
The photoshop product was merged to the original post and that was what went viral, reaching the organizers of an event she was supposed to grace.
The photoshopped post did not get well with her client who now had a weird impression of her, cancelling an engagement they were to have together.

She got sympathisers who condemned such an act taken for a conspiracy. They felt it was unfair to have the lady lose an opportunity for a mistake she knew nothing about.

This is rather unfair, knowing this was photoshopped. Sent this lady’s handle to a client only to receive an email just now saying she’s been blacklisted. Just coming here now to see this must have been the reason she lost the gig.” Cute kimani.
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