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Woman Stabs Husband to Death for Being Noisy

For just a moment of silence and a little peace, Fiona Akinyi was willing to stab her drunken husband who had abused her throughout the night.

What Akinyi did not realize, is that the stab wound would turn out to be fatal.

Zachariah Mwangi, Akinyi's husband, was stubbed on his thigh, which severed to the femoral artery causing his death.

This is how it all started; Mwangi came home drunk on the night of March 14. Akinyi and her son were asleep when the husband knocked the door and started hurling insults at them.

Akinyi refused to open the door and in turn the husband picked a big stone and smashed it, breaking it wide open.

It is at this point that a heated argument ensued, and without thinking, Akinyi took a kitchen knife and stabbed her husband on the thigh.

Realizing what she had done, Akinyi went to her brother-in-laws house, Joseph Njeru and narrated what had happened, The Star reports.

"Accompanied by Mwangi's sister in-law, I went to Korogocho police station where I reported the matter," Akinyi had told the court.

The police found Mwangi dead and a blood-stained knife that had been hid under a mattress.

The mother of one was arrested and charged with murder, however, the court found that she had not premeditated the murder, therefore reduced the charge to manslaughter.
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