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“I will not be bullied by anybody, my BBI song will be out soon”~ Ben Githae

Image result for “I will not be bullied by anybody, my BBI song will be out soon”~ Ben Githae

Gospel musician Ben Githae has come out to defend himself from online bullies. Githae said that he has been following all the trolls and he isn’t giving in to any form of bullying.

Kenyans have been calling out on him not to try and compose any other political song.

Githae, speaking at the Bluesprings Hotel, said that he is free to express his views in the best way he knows.

“I was given the gift of singing by God with a purpose. I must use this gift to express myself”, said Githae.

Asked whether he was planning to release a new song, Githae said his BBI song was onits final stages.

“Soon you will hear it. We are supporting the president and Raila Odinga on the BBI agenda. I am putting in my support in form of song”.

Ben Githae was very pivotal in ensuring that president Uhuru Kenyatta and deputy president William Ruto clinched presidency in 2017.

Through his song ,”tano tena”, Githae was able to pull crowds during campaigns.

Most of Mt Kenya musicians have composed and released political songs. Some of include Muigai Njoroge, Maspring, Muhiko Nebster, Karangu wa Muraya, Kimani wa Turacco, Isiah Ndung’u etc.

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