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How Police Work With Gangsters to Commit Crime

Police officers standing outside shops FACEBOOK

Residents in Rongai have accused the police of being involved in the rise of crime rates in the area.

Reports by The Standard indicate gangsters use a Toyota Probox with two different number plates to raid people's homes and businesses.

The residents of Lusaka village seized the Probox after a local businessman raised an alarm.

Senior officers from Menengai police station were allegedly called to the scene and stated the vehicle was on usual patrols.

“It is worrying that instead of police officers boosting security, they are the ones colluding with criminals to raid our homes and steal our property,” Isaac Buret, a village elder stated.

Buret added that livestock was being stolen during the day and not recovered because they were driven away using different routes.
Moses Karwenje, a resident claimed the police officers were hostile.

“We called each other after we heard one of the business premises being raided and when they realised they would be overpowered they shot in the air as they fled abandoning the vehicle," he stated.

Rongai sub-county police commander Richard Rotich stated that there had been complains about a Probox used in criminal activities but did not state if it belonged to Menengai police station.
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