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Ruto Reveals 1st Order Uhuru Gave Him as President [VIDEO]

Deputy President William Ruto revealed the first instructions President Uhuru Kenyatta gave him after they were elected in 2013.

During the following year's National Prayer Breakfast, Ruto narrated how their first entry to State House as the country's bosses went down.

When they got to the office which they had visited numerous times to see retired Presidents Daniel Moi and Mwai Kibaki, Uhuru told Ruto to pray.

After praying, an aide whom the DP declined to mention, decided to use their feelings of disbelieve that they were finally in charge, to play a joke on them.

"Another aide of ours, I don't want to mention his name because he has applied for a job and it might be used against him, this gentleman told us 'Now you guys, suppose somebody shows up here and says there was a small mistake and you were not the ones supposed to be there'," Ruto recalled.

The old video resurfaced after Ruto was accused of making a joke in bad taste during Thursday's prayer breakfast.

Digital strategist Dennis Itumbi shared it explaining that the DP has had a history of cracking jokes at the annual prayer function.

On Thursday, Ruto jokingly offered former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to UK as a suitable replacement for Theresa May who has already announced her resignation.

"We have a retired one in Kenya and since the constitution of Kenya doesn't have the post and he may not have it anytime soon, we will send you his CV," Ruto quipped.

The statement did not sit well with Odinga's associates who attacked Ruto for the remarks.

"How about DP Ruto first deals with the CVs of the millions of jobless youth we have in our country. He promised millions of jobs in Jubilees first term and even more in the second but he appears only keen on RAO's CV," ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna stated.

Watch the video of DP Ruto narrating Uhuru's first time in State House as president.

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