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Fear as gang terrorises men in a village in Murang’a

Gakoigo shopping centre in Maragua

A gang that is terrorising and sodomising men, especially drunkards in Gakoigo village of Maragua in Murang’a County has sent fears among residents.
As a result, men are now going home early to avoid being preyed on by the group which targets those aged 40 and above.
Last week, Julius Njoroge Mburu, 40, was sodomised and brutally killed by the gang which later burnt his neck using his clothes before dumping his body in a bush a few kilometres from Gakoigo town.
Although it is not clear at what time the crime was committed, his family estimates that it happened between 10 and 11pm based on what they have gathered from Mburu’s friends.
His brother, Moses Kamande, told the Nation that they started looking for him after he failed to return home.
Later, they were informed that his body had been seen in a bush about 100 meters from the Gakoigo-Maragua road and barely a kilometre from their home.
On reaching the scene of crime, Mr Kamande found his brother’s naked body. He had been strangled using a wire with his hands tied.
“He must have died a painful death, it was too horrific,” Mr Kamande told the Nation, adding that his brother was probably killed because he recognised the sodomisers since in recent incidents, the gang did not kill those it sodomised.
He said his brother’s death came in the wake of yet another shocking incident where a man was slashed to death after he was sodomised by a gang men near Gakoigo shopping centre.
Mburu’s mother, Teresiah Njeri, wants the police to speed up investigations and bring the killers of her son to book.
“Up to when will the incidents continue without people being arrested? The perpetrators should learn a lesson through my son with the police doing all what they can to bring them to book and charge them in court. I have not been able to bury him since I cannot afford the Sh10,000 required for a post-mortem examination,” said the sobbing mother.
Teresiah Njeri, the mother of Julius Mburu who
Teresiah Njeri, the mother of Julius Mburu who was sodomised and then strangled to death by the gang that has unleashed terror in Gakoigo village. PHOTO | NDUNG’U GACHANE | NATION MEDIA GROUP
Local Nyumba Kumi leader Joseph Kamande Njung’e said the situation seems to have gone out of hand since even after the authorities held a public baraza, the incidents are increasing.
He said men are now living in fear.
Mr Njung’e accused the police of being slow in conducting investigations, claiming that they take the incidents lightly thus emboldening the attackers who roam freely.
“I believe the predicament facing this village has been taken casually by the police. When this incident happened we did not see scene of crime officers and the body of was collected by ordinary police officers. Let the authorities take the matter with the seriousness it deserves and these incidents will come to an end,” he said.
Mr Njung’e attributes the incidents to drug abuse, saying the uptake of drugs in the area is on the rise. He added that since the incidents started, no one has been arrested.
Murang’a County Police Commander Josphat Kinyua told the Nation that officers are on the lookout and that they are investigating the incidents.
“I have sent our officers to look into the matter,” he told the Nation.

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