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DCI reveals new details on Sharon Otieno’s murder case after Obado’s release

DCI reveals new details on Sharon Otieno’s murder case after Obado’s release

he Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has revealed new details on Sharon Otieno’s murder case, after Migori Governor Okoth Obado’s release from jail.

According to DCI’s Head of Investigations John Kariuki, detectives had narrowed down their search to three suspects whom they believe are key to unravelling Sharon’s brutal murder.
He went on to say that the three are suspected to be hiding in neighboring Uganda and Tanzania and a search had been extended to the two countries but he could not divulge more details on the matter.
Nation reported that they are also believed to be the people who were in the car that was used to abduct slain Sharon and Journalist Barrack Oduor adding that they were present when Sharon was murdered.
playGovernor Okoth Obado who was released on Wednesday (Courtesy)

Expect arrests very soon, but I can’t divulge details now because some of this things are prejudicial and we can’t go anywhere if they are revealed,” said Kariuki.
The daily also reported that DCI Director George Kinoti confirmed that the search party had been extended to the two neighboring countries but refused to give further details.
What I can say is that they won’t have any place to hide. We are on their trail,” said Mr. Kinoti.
This comes a day after Governor Obado was released on a Sh5 million cash bail after spending almost a month behind bars, for the murder of Sharon Otieno.

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