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Enraged Residents Beat Up Police After Raiding Station

Three police officers in Trans Mara in Narok County, were on Thursday, injured after angry residents stormed the Lolgorian Police Station.

The residents who raided the station roughing up the officers claimed continued harassment by the police.

Trans Mara West county police commander Dahir Abdullahi stated that the duty officers were injured while preventing the locals from accessing the station and that “no civilian was injured.”

Speaking to The Standard, Chairman of Lolgorian Traders Association Saningo ole Nang’oro claimed the public was enraged with reports that traders from Narok South lost money to police attached to the station.

“We intervened to prevent the public from burning down the station, we call for action on the officers,” stated Nang’oro.

Abdullahi confirmed that the officers lives were out of danger after receiving treatment.

“We are pursuing those who attacked our officers,” affirmed Abdullahi.

Recently, four officers attached to the probation department in Nyamira county were nursing injuries, after being attacked by villagers.

The officers were seeking pre-bail reports for three murder suspects in Omosasa village West Mugirango, Nyamira County.

The mob is reported to have descended on the officers, clobbered them and went ahead to torch the government vehicle that they were using.

Elijah Monde and Moses Macharia were admitted at the Nyamira County Referal Hospital with serious injuries, while the other two, Sophy Ichunge and Divinah Isoe were treated and discharged.

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