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Yvonne Okwara's Passionate Cry for Her Beloved Kenya [VIDEO]

Citizen TV's Yvonne Okwara made a passionate cry for Kenya on the News Gang segment of Thursday night news bulletin.

She highlighted a number of issues that were affecting the country while pointing out how poorly they had been handled.

Her take started at the doors of Kenya's centre of power, the Presidency where she spoke about President Uhuru Kenyatta's anger and broken or undelivered promises.

She went on to point out the glaring dramatic nature with which the matter of the alleged plot to assassinate Deputy President William Ruto had been unfolding.

The hard-hitting news anchor regretted that the matter threatened to tear Kenya's Cabinet right down the middle.

"Fellow Kenyans, did we sleep and wake up in the twilight zone? What is happening in this country?" she wondered.

"We have an angry president who constantly lectures his cabinet and us all, sometimes in mother tongue but seemingly does nothing about his own complaints.

"A president who makes unending promises or shall I say threats about corruption. One who we're now told has reached the elastic limit presumably ready to snap.

"Then we have an alleged murder plot that reads like a movie script, a rather incredulous a murder plan allegedly planned by a whopping 40 people against a holder of the country's second highest political office.

"A planning meeting held at a hotel that is so close to the headquarters of the National Intelligence service...A letter supposedly detailing the plot...Police apparently turning to the FBI no less to help in unraveling the assassination mystery," Okwara went on.

She further listed more problems that Kenyans were braving and highlighted the irony of voters electing the same leaders every General Election.

"It is a wonder that anything gets done in this county. Sometimes I think it is only God who holds this country together. Kenya is truly God's country," she concluded.

Watch Yvonne Okwara's passionate cry for Kenya.

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