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Bahati reveals Diana Marua’s baby bump unknowingly

Bahati and Diana Marua’s best kept secret is out.
The singer unwittingly revealed his wife’s baby bump after posting a photo of the two if them on holiday in Dubai.

The photo was followed with a deep Mother’s Day appreciation caption.
Diana BahatiBahati told his wife in a letter: “Dear Diana, You’re a Gem. You’re Precious. You’re a Pillar to Our Family. You’re My Prayer Partner.”
He continued, “Thank you for giving me a chance to be called a father. Thank you for being the best mum to my kids.”
Adding, “In this world no one comes above you. You’re part of my heart and soul…HAPPY MOTHERS DAY LOVE ❤️.”
Here is the photo of Bahati and Diana showing off her baby bump.

diana marua bahati baby bumpA blushing Diana responded to her boo saying, “Thank you Dzaddy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am Mummy because of you. Thank you for the love, the care, the support and the foundation you’ve laid us on. I cannot be thankful enough. You are a total blessing in our lives. To eternity LICIOUS 😂😂😂🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤🙏
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