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Dating? Wema Sepetu hangs out with pilot who expressed interest in her

Earlier this year, Dreamliner pilot, Hamdan Zakwani ‘Danzak’ professed his undying love to Tanzanian socialite and actress Wema Sepetu and asked for her hand in marriage.
 “Nilitamani sana safari hii niliyokuja nionane naye, tukubal­iane mwanzo wa maisha yetu lakini nimekosa nafasi kutokana na mambo yalivyonibana. Hata hivyo kuna watu nimewaa­giza wafike nyumbani kwa akina Wema wakaeleze nia yangu, lakini wakiweza wamwambie Wema mwenyewe lengo langu kwake na thamani yake katika maisha yangu,” Danzak wrote to Wema.
Danzak was reported to have sent emissaries to let Wema and her family know of his intentions.
Hamdan Zakwani and Wema Sepetu [Photo: Courtesy]
According to Global Publishers, the two were recently spotted together which begs the question, did Wema accept the pilot’s proposal?
Over the weekend the two were spotted at Taifa Stars football match against Uganda Cranes where the two seemed to enjoy each other’s company.
Wema and Danzak made their way to Serena Hotel after the match and later to Maison Sea Cliff.
Danzak was once a musician with the group TNG Squad in Tanzania.
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