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Leaked pictures of Dennis Okari and Naomi’s honeymoon

Dennis Okari honeymoon

Dennis Okari is a happily married man to Joy Naomi and he cannot hide the happiness from the pictures that have been circulating of him and his wife together.
They had a surprise wedding with just close friends and family. It was then accompanied by a surprise honeymoon with no pictures out there on social media to document the holiday.
Dennis Okari Naomi Joy
In case you have not been in the loop, Naomi and Dennis took their love to Malaysia specifically Langkawi, an archipelago made up of 99 islands on Malaysia’s west coast.
Still nature is a romantic place to start off your marriage and that is probably what the newlyweds went for. The island is just as agreeable as the shoreline is fringed by powder-fine sand and swaying coconut trees.
Dennis Okari and Naomi Joy
Dennis Okari and Naomi Joy
The island is especially recognized for its excellent diving opportunities and this tropical gem hides a treasure trove of exciting holiday opportunities.
Dennis Okari seems like the guy who is big on research – as an investigative journalist- so that is probably what he did to get the perfect destination to commemorate his second wedding.

Here is a picture of Joy Naomi enjoying her time in Malaysia under the famous bird sculpture:
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