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4 Main Reasons Why Depression Is Becoming Kenya’s biggest Health Disaster.

Depression in Kenya

What is Depression?
Depression in Kenya: Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function.

More than we would like to acknowledge, depression is becoming a major problem in Kenya. The rate at which depression is increasing in Kenya is alarming. Sadly, most of the depression cases here go unnoticed and the only thing we are witnessing is multiple suicide cases, one after the other.

Research is showing that the most affected people in Kenya are men. Which is a surprise since normally we would expect women to be more affected because they are more emotional than men. However, one of the major causes of depression is not letting out our emotions. Women are very good at it, when a woman is stressed she will look for a person she trusts and she shares all her troubles. By confiding in someone, you feel better and you are less prone to depression. However, Men always keep their problems to themselves thinking that they are strong and before they know it they are deep into depression.
What are the main causes of Depression?
There is no specific proven cause of depression. However, a series of things combined can cause depression.

1. Biological causes
A person coming from family with a history of depression is at an elevated risk of developing the disorder. Yes, this is very true, depression can be hereditary. If you are from such a family you need to know how to handle any kind of stress you go through since you are at a higher risk of developing the disorder. Heredity however is not an enough factor to cause depression, other factors have to be in place to actually cause the disorder. It only increases the risk of developing it.

2. Psychological causes
This includes a persons personality, their behavior and their day to day mood. Psychology involves how well you are able to handle situations presented to you especially stressing ones. It involves a persons coping mechanism. If you are easily overwhelmed by stress you are more prone to developing depression. Here in Kenya, people are dealing with a lot of stress. We are a developing country which means most of us are struggling to acquire our daily bread. There is a lot of pressure from the society especially on social media. If you are a Kenyan, you definitely know “Kilimani Mums and Dads Facebook group”. Mess up a little and you will be roasted alive by Kenyans online. All this is imposing a lot stress on people and on the other hand, there are no enough facilities where we can open up about it. Therapy sessions are way too expensive and nowadays there are very few people one can trust. So people end up not confiding in anyone and in the process they develop depression.

3. Social causes.

Social factors which trigger depression include a drastic change in life, lose, stressful relationships, toxic friendships and so much more. If you go through all the suicide cases reported recently in Kenya there is a very evident pattern. It’s mostly a relationship fight gone wrong. Most Kenyans are in very toxic relationships and they do not even know it. Being in  physical or emotionally abusive relationship causes a lot of stress and if you do not do anything about it you end up depressed. Also if “dumped” by a significant other, people end up lost in depression without realizing that life moves on with or without the person. We all need to love ourselves so that no matter the situation we face, we always put ourselves first.

4. Environmental causes.

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”
Whoever you associate yourself with plays a major role in your mental health. If you are surrounded by toxic people and things, you will be more prone to developing depression. Learn to associate with positive vibes any day and this way you will have a very healthy mind.

How can we make it better here in Kenya?

  • Signs of depression/suicide are often very evident. Someone doesn’t just wake up one day and decide to take their own lives. Pay attention to your loves ones and you will see the signs early enough.
  • Engage in activities that make you feel better especially when you are stressed. Also help your loved ones who might be developing the disorder engage in what makes them feel good.
  • Also have realistic expectations in life. This doesn’t mean you can’t have dream, just be realistic.
  • Confide in people you trust/try therapy. Talk to people who you suspect are undergoing something. Help them and support them in any way you can.
  • Get treatment if you are depressed. Depression can be treated!

Lets fight depression and suicide in Kenya!

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