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Cabinet’s bad boy admitted being friends with fake “Uhuru” before his firing

Richard Echesa (right) with ODM leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta during a past event

Former Sports CS Richard Echesa cut the image of a bad boy with little regard for high-office decorum in the nearly fourteen months that he served in the Cabinet.

While most CSs remain in Nairobi restricted by busy routine, Echesa spent most of his time in the Western region where he was a common fixture in local funerals.

He was not afraid of political fights which sometimes turned physical such as an incident in July last year when he engaged in a physical confrontation with Alego Usonga MP Samuel Atandi at the Kisumu Airport.

In August, Echesa attacked ODM Leader Raila Odinga, daring him to fire him from Cabinet.

“We have one Government led by Uhuru and William Ruto and those are the only people I will pledge my priority to and not to you, Raila Odinga. I want to dare you Raila, if you are man enough, come and sack me,” said Echesa.

Echesa also had frequent public confrontations with Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malal

Sports and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa

In October last year, the CS was summoned by police after three journalists alleged that Echesa paid them to manipulate photos of Kakamega Senator Clephas Malala with a naked woman.

The class seven drop out was earlier in the year in trouble after he was accused of issuance work permits to Pakistani belly dancers in what police believed was a human trafficking ring.

The latest scandal before his firing his relationship with suspected conman Henry Waswa who is court for defrauding tycoon Naushad Merali by mimicking President Uhuru Kenyatta’s voice.

Echesa had on Thursday told the People Daily that Waswa was a personal friend but denied being an accomplice.
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