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‘I do not have a wife’ Eric Omondi publicly denies Miss Chanty

Eric Omondi lost a bet and now he has to pay up by giving Joe Muchiri his supposed wife. After trending all weekend long, he has now come out to deny Miss Chanty.
In the post where he was sure Arsenal will lose to Manchester, he promised to give Joe his wife and even cut his hair. But since then all he is doing is defending his failure to fulfill his promise.

He did a short clip mimicking politicians saying that he does not have a wife. Miss Chanty is his girlfriend and so he will not be giving her away.
I do not have a wife. those are rumors. so let us stop saying ‘Eric Omondi give us your wife’. I have a girlfriend and that is public knowledge 
Eric Omondi then threw shade at Joe Muchiri without mentioning his name just like our politicians do saying he should stop with all the rumors because he does not have a wife yet so until then he should be silent.
Eric Omondi and Chanty
so for that guy,You know him. he has to wait till I get married then he can come talk about my wife
This conversation runs deeper than just the joke. The millennial generation now get into relationships and refer to their partner as wife or husband yet there is no such agreement. Is that right?
In this case, Miss Chanty has been denied in public by a man he has been calling hubby. A man who has been referring to her as bibi, Swahili for wife.

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