Bomet Judge Martin Muya who had been reported missing on Monday has been found.
The wife had reported him missing after calls to his phone went unanswered and by 4:30am he was still nowhere to be seen.
“She last contacted her husband namely Martin Muya on phone yesterday (Monday) at around 22.00,” the police report reads.
Haurellia Mbulwa, 56, told police that she suspected he had been carjacked because he had told her he was on his way home but did not return.
Their son, Benjamin Mati, who had been monitoring the car through a tracking system, further reported that the car was moving suspiciously from one point to another.
“The vehicle was circulated and last spotted at Kileleshwa area where by police shot at the right tyre and deflated it which forced the vehicle to stop. Onboard was only the husband who was very drunk…,” the police report adds.
Police established that the driver was Bomet Judge Martin Muya who denied the allegations that he had been carjacked.
The vehicle was towed to Kilimani Police Station.
No one was injured during the incident.
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