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3 reasons why Baba Lupita (Anyang Nyong’o) was sent nudes

Anyang Nyong'o

Anyang Nyong’o has officially complained about some mysterious beauty sending him explicit pictures he wants nothing to do with. According to the good governor, the lass is rather fetching and persistent but he never solicited her nudies.
His first impulse was to block her, an impulse he followed up on. But after a few months of relative peace, she resurfaced with equal if not more gusto. Why would a woman send a man old enough to be her father unsolicited nudies?
Well, the reasons a woman would decide to undress, take photos of her unclad body (as enticing as it may be) and send those photos to a happily married man are unknown to me. But, I have taken it upon myself to try and reason like the Jezebel in question and the only reason I can see are 3:
#1. It is a scam (remember Chacha Waziri?)
#2. She is smitten by his awesome beard
#3. The economy (Ushuru Kenyatta has overseen a tenure in which the economy has steadily become tough for many Kenyans).
Allow me to elaborate on these 3 points:
#1. It is a scam
Wazir Chacha
Does anyone here remember Chacha Waziri? that legend that smashed 20% of the female sitting PMs? well, he was only caught out because he started sending male MPs nudies trying to entice and allegedly blackmail them. Perhaps there is a copycat out there?
#2. She is smitten by his awesome beard
I have often heard it said that Kenyan lasses are smitten by a well-groomed beard. You know, with the way Kenyan lasses speak about Joho’s beard… Perhaps this lass was smitten by Anyang’ Nyong’o’s awesome facial hair?
Anyang Nyong'o
Anyang Nyong’o. photo credit: kahawa tungu

#3. The economy
Things are thick and slay queens need to eat. The problem here is that these lasses do not want to earn an honest living. not while they can cash in their beauty and their ikus. And let us face it, the illustrious politician Anyang Nyong’o has done well for himself. Add this to the fact that he has proven he has good stock of seed (he is Lupita Nyong’o’s father afterall) and you can see that she would be looking to either profit immediately or in future should he gift her with a world-famous actress of her own…

Lupita Nyong'o
Lupita Nyong’o on the red carpet

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