Police are following leads that will help arrest and prosecute a second man who is believed to have helped Joe Irungu kill Monica Kimani.
Hours before committing the heinous crime Joe Irungu aka Jowie was at Road House Grill together with a friend now identified as Jennings Olando.
Credible sources say that Orlando told his friends that he and Jowi had a job later that night at around 9pm.
True to their word , they excused themselves at around 9 and returned to the joints a few minutes after 2am.
Now friends believe that Jowie Irungu and Jennings Olando killed the lady together and efforts to trace Jennings have not borne any fruits.
After the murder , Jennings reportedly went to Eastleigh where he exchanged over $4,000 (KSh 400,000) to Kenya shillings.
Thereafter, he travelled to Mombasa and is believed to have left the country for Tanzania. His current location remains unknown.
Detectives previously claimed that Jennings may have the house Keys and the knife that was used to kill Monica.
Preliminary investigations had claimed that he fled to Mombasa to seek the cleansing of a witch-doctor.
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DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To Zumari, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.