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Joe Irungu used to drug Jackie Maribe according to a new report

It is slowly emerging that Jackie Maribe was never in her right frame of mind whenever she was out for a weekend hangout with her fiancee Jowi Irungu
According to a close friend of hers who also works at Citizen TV- and you better take our word for it- Jowi would spike Ms Maribe’s drink at the counter before handing them to her.

TV star Jackie Maribe arrives at the Kiambu court on Monday, October 1. Photo/The Star

The same information has been passed to detectives who are handling the spiraling murder case.
Apparently, he would always insist on picking Maribe’s drinks at the counter himself and would slip in a pill unbeknownst to her lover and her friends.
As a result, Ms Maribe who has already lost her TV job was always under the influence which helped her conniving lover in leading her on.

Jackie Maribe on a night out with her fiance Joe Irungu. Photo: Maribe Jackie/Instagram

She told told him to move into her six-bedroomed Langata apartment where he had been living until his arrest in September.
At some point, neighbours told the police that Ms Maribe who had sensed danger kicked Jowi out and threw his clothes down the hallway.
On that same night, in an affidavit Ms Maribe claims that her lover shot himself in a walk-in closet at her home.
She jumped out of bed and went to check him but found that he had already left the house and was lying in a pool of blood at their neighbour Brian Kasaine’s house.

She then liaised with Mr Kasaine who is already a witness and together they took Jowi to three different hospitals across the city before settling for the Kijabe Mission Hospital.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To Zumari, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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