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President Uhuru has broken his silence over the incident at KNH of a man who was arrested for trying to smuggle his daughter

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday spoke on the incident involving a man who was arrested for trying to smuggle his daughter from Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) in a plastic bag.

He was speaking at the burial of his close friend, the Late Mzee Kamau Kabugi, in Murang'a County, where he made reference to the occurrence at KNH.

The President was concerned that Boniface Murage was arrested, arraigned in court, and sentenced, all within 24 hours over what he termed as very little amount of money, whereas graft cases dragged for months and years.

"We saw a young man being arrested for sneaking his child out of a hospital and was charged and released the same day. Why not do the same with those accused of stealing billions?” wondered the president.

He used the story to rubbish the Judiciary's claim that they were committed to a speedy conclusion of corruption cases.

The Head of State warned Chief Justice David Maraga that Kenyans were tired of the losing money to state officials.
“I told them not to wait until Kenyans take the law into their own hands," stated Uhuru.

In his eulogy to the late Kabugi, President Kenyatta expressed his admiration of the hard work exhibited by the deceased throughout his life.

“He was a symbol of how it can be to be a great Kenyan and we would not have been here were it not for the respect he showed in his life,” Uhuru commented.

He spoke highly of Kabugi and urged all Kenyans to emulate him.

The Commander in Chief was also proud of Murang'a county, noting that it had produced very many wealthy individuals.

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