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I am being tortured in Kamiti: Joseph Irungu claims

Image result for Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu

Joseph Irungu alias Jowie, the main suspect in the Monica Kimani murder case, is now claiming that he is being tortured.

The allegations emerged as his Defence team told the court that they have been informed of his transfer to Kamiti Maximum Prison.

“My client has not been given the specialised treatment at KNH (Kenyatta National Hospital)…we are also told that he was transferred to Kamiti and there are issues that have been raised by Jowi in regards to torture,” the lawyers said.

According to them, Jowie is being mistreated and has not been given medical attention for his gunshot wound.

They further added that the only medication he has received are painkillers.

The court was also told that given the financials status of the family, they are not able to take him to a private hospital.

“He was denied admission at KNH…Despite the family paying Ksh.20,000 for his admission as advised by one doctor the hospital denied him admission,” they said.

Justice James Wakiaga then ordered that the suspect be admitted to KNH on Tuesday.

However, an officer from Kamiti said this would not be possible because they do not have transport.

He said they have to follow procedure to get a vehicle so the earliest they can take is Wednesday.

In regards to the claims of torture, Prosecutor Catherine Mwaniki said her office would investigate and report back their findings to the court.

Jowie’s lawyers also indicated that they would make an application for review of bond terms and file an affidavit on the same.

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