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These are the last men who saw Monica Kimani alive including Jacque Maribe’s fiance

Jacky maribe, Joe Irungu, Monica Kimani

As the police have been looking into the murder of Monica Kimani (God bless the dead), they have discovered that just before she died she had entertained 3 gentlemen one of whom they suspect was her murderer.
The three men include Jacque Maribe’s fiance Joe Irungu, a Lebanese man and a man only identified as Owen at her house in Lamuria Gardens off Dennis Pritt Road.
She had arrived at her flat at around 7:15pm, picked her key and some clothes she had someone drop off at the gate and checked into her house.
The Lebanese was the first to come calling. The second was Owen who was bringing Monica a registration plate for her car which had South Sudanese numberplates. The trio engaged in small talk until Hoe Irungu arrived. When he did, Monica is said to have introduced him to the two gentlemen in the room and he went straight to the kitchen to fix himself something to drink.
According to the statements the two made, they noticed a certain familiarity Joe Irungu had with the house as he went about interacting with the kitchen to get himself a glass of wine. 

When they saw how intimately familiar Joey and Monica were with each other, they decided to leave them to their designs. The Lebanese gent was the first to exit the premises and was followed shortly thereafter by Owen. These two are among the last people to see Monica alive.

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