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I Was To Resurrect Moi But The Holy Spirit Refused, Claiming Moi Was Too Sinful ~ Prophet Owuor.

Mama Rosa died permanently on 22nd, after her initial death was “reversed” by the bearded trickster.

In the same spirit that prophet Owuor resurrected Mama Rosa, he had ricocheted to the former president Daniel Arap Moi.

Unfortunately, going by his claims, the holy spirit denounced his journey to parliament to reverse back Moi’s life.

According to the holy spirit, Moi was too sinful to be reverted back to life. Moi had more time to repent, but he refused to do so.

It doesn’t require a czar or a rocket science for someone to conclude that Moi’s journey to hell is unstoppable.

No amount of salvation is sufficient to immunize man from the effects of nature like sickness and death, even Owuor himself will kick very hard in the air to resist death when such a time will come

Meanwhile “only him has been given the mandate to prepare the church” means all others are fake and only him is real

The others also say theirs is real and Owuor’s is fake. The truth is religion is entirely fake

The Mujahedeens of that Jewish cult can continue hallucinating.

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