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Dennis Itumbi's Appeal to Journalists Moments After His Release

Digital, Innovations and Diaspora Communications Secretary, Dennis Itumbi, issued out an earnest plea to journalists a few moments after his release from police custody, on Wednesday.

Speaking at the court's grounds, where he was approached by reporters to share his sentiments on his arrest, Itumbi voiced his concern over a teenager being held at Muthaiga Police Station.

" I urge you, go to Muthaiga Police Station, there is a young man who has been held from March 20, this year. He was arrested as a foreigner, but he is Kenyan and being 17 years old, he did not have an ID card to identify himself," he began.

Itumbi then went on to give details on why he felt the reporters ought to respond to the plight of the detained teenager.

"He has been there for four months even after handing over his birth certificate indicating his nationality. His certificate has been here in this court (Milimani) for verification for all those months," he continued.

He then asked the press to go and help the young man in police custody.

"Go and help that young man, that is the least of things you can do for me. In the little time I have spent in Muthaiga, that is the one person I would love the media to rescue," Itumbi implored.

The digital communications secretary divulged further into his immediate plans after his release stating that he would visit the place where he was arrested 5 days ago for a cup of tea.

"I am very happy man. In fact, I'm going back to where I was arrested while in the company of my friend Talam for a cup of tea," he remarked sparking little bouts of laughter from his listeners.

Itumbi was arrested last Wednesday at the precincts of the City Hall over alleged links to the drafting of a letter on the alleged assassination of Deputy President William Ruto.

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