Pastor Susan Munene, popularly known as Twa Twa Pastor, now claims that people should pray before and after having sex. Or Twa Twa, if you like.
She says that the highest intimacy God created is that of a man and his wife and it is this intimacy that she claims will overcome the spirit of masturbation, pornography, and homosexuality.
Pastor Susan goes on to say that it is God who began this game and that we should continue on with the game as the angels “cheer us on”. She also challenged the public to pray before and after having sex with their respective partners.
The video ends with her giving us a prayer that would work just before ‘starting the game’.
Father in the name of Jesus,We thank You because we are about to begin Your gameAnd Lord I thank you because of my husband Pastor MuneneLord, more strength and more powerMore manifestationIn Jesus nameTwende KaziPastor Susan Munene
Watch the video below: