Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru on Tuesday, December 17, showed support for some of the content in Kennedy Ombima's (King Kaka) song titled Wajinga Nyinyi.
Waiguru, who had threatened to sue the artist, stated that she supported the general message carried in the song, about the need to fight corruption.
"To set the record straight, I totally agree with most of the sentiments expressed by Kenyans on social media on the ills bedevilling the country and believe it's imperative that the pertinent issues raised be addressed forthwith," began her statement.
"It's an inescapable fact that corruption has stifled development and adversely crippled our economy and that is why we should all support the ongoing efforts to fight this scourge. Public funds must be used prudently to benefit the people and not line the pockets of a few individuals," she continued.
However, Waiguru urged individuals speaking against corruption to base their arguments on facts.
"This must not be another game of chicken, or a ploy to mudsling targeted individuals, or a public gambit meant to settle political scores or make profits by reckless slander. Neither should it be used by those corrupt to decoy or cover their guilt by tarnishing others.
"This must be an honest, heart-to-heart discussion meant to end corruption once and for all and place Kenya on the straight and narrow!" she added.