When you want to please your man, your appearance matters a lot. There are some pieces of clothing that women wear that men dislike but they never tell. They include;
Hair extension and weaves. Most of these men prefer seeing their ladies in natural hair. How mortifying would it be if for instance your busy with your man then the wig falls off exposing matutua’s? Embarassing! What’s worse is if your weave or wig isn’t customized and there’s nothing as bad as an ill fitting tress.
When with your man try as much as possible to wear natural hair styles that suit your appearance.
UGG boots. These are the type of boots that ladies like especially in cold seasons. They are made from skin sheep with fleece attached to it which men say is animal cruelty. They prefer other decent boots to this.
Excessive makeup. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder they say. Most men prefer natural appearances. Some ladies apply too much makeup yet less is more.
The 80 s outfits. This includes baggy long dresses and faded baggy jeans, that are making a comeback currently. This to men hides ones curves yet dudes want to adore.
Fake contacts. Many women are now spotting cosmetic contact lenses. While not bad, men find it weird to hang out with someone with blue, grey or yellow eyes.
They expect to see the real beauty of ones eyes.
Leggings. Unless you are slim, this outfit is not good for you according to men. If it is necessary for this, then one should wear long tops or shirts to avoid looking like a person going for some workout.
Painted eyebrows. Ladies tend to shave natural eyebrows completely then draw on, leaving them with surprised expressions.
The painted on eyebrows leave a funny look which men describe as a cartoon look. Some are even not balanced because you find one is higher than the other.
Fake eye lashes. It will be really embarrassing that you are talking with someone whose lashes are about to fall. Oops.
Excess perfumes. It is nice to have a nice scent but don’t over do it. What happens when the man is asthmatic? You don’t want to be blamed for his health complication.