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Bedsitters for who? Check out Kathy Kiuna’s posh Runda mansion

Kathy Kiuna's mansion

Kathy Kiuna and Allan Kiuna are known for their posh life style but this is one of the many blessings that come with being a pastor.
The bible says that

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.’James 1:17

Kiuna lives in the posh estates of Runda and going by this photos if is obvious that they are indeed blessed.

Apparently some faithfuls from the Jubilee Christian Church (Allan and Kathy Kiuna’s church), were some time back taken on a tour of the massive private property to see what ‘God can do’.
Some managed to sneak out with photos.
Though we cannot confirm their authenticity, here is the alleged Kiuna’s residence and it is posh.While some of us are busy struggling in our bedsitters here is what the Kiuna’s own.



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