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‘Linturi cannot perform in bed’ His Wife Kitany spills the beans

Mithika Linturi

The estranged wife to Meru Senator Mithika Linturi has claimed the legislator could not “rise to the occasion” in the bedroom hence issues in the marriage.
In an affidavit filed in court, Mary Kitany says that was one of the reasons they had issues in their marriage.

“Linturi was unable to rise to the occasion in the bedroom on several occasions, claiming exhaustion, sickness, but for most of the part he simply could not,” she claims.

mithika linturi and wife marianne

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Kitany said the Senator is known to be a violent man and has an insulting nature, which revealed itself often in their interactions at home.
She said he was very discriminatory towards their children, especially Kitany’s children.

“He would buy gifts for his children to the exclusion of my own, take private trips for himself without any of the family,” she said.

The two who met in 2013 at Deputy President Willian Ruto’s office are in the middle of an ugly court battle for the property. In the past, she has accused her estranged husband of exposing her to STI’s.
Keitany added that the senator is constantly communicating with other women including exchanging nude, vulgar and pornographic images and videos thus causing her immense mental anguish.

“I had on several occasions been exposed to venereal diseases and STD’s of various kinds and when I confronted him to accompany me for treatment he threatened me with death,”

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