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Mama Dangote shows off the face of Diamond and Tanasha’s son(PHOTO)

We as social media in-laws demanded to see Diamond and Tanasha’s son.
We have been following their story from the day they announced they are dating and now the best part of the relationship is being hidden from us.
Even worse, Queen Darleen made us crave to see this boy after she said he is a copy-paste of the Kwangwaru hitmaker. In her words, ‘You can not steal that baby’. That is how much they look alike.

Since the two parents have decided to deny us our rights, Mama Dangote is on the social media inlaw’s side because she gave us a glimpse of how this boy looks.
Tanasha Diamond Platnumz
He looks cute and has clearly taken the colour of his mother. Light skin. He is a very innocent boy who knows nothing but he will definitely be surprised at how much we know and want to know of him.
Anyway, meet Platmunz and Tanasha’s son:

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