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7 signs he is taking advantage of you

Ladies more often deep down in their hearts know when they are being taken advantage of by a man, just that they fight it.
The worst part is that you know it and you’re helpless to do anything to fix the situation. While it makes you happy to have him look at you like you’re the best thing he’s ever seen, or call you up in the middle of the day to ask you for something, you know it’s wrong to jump at the opportunity to make him happy.
1. You always take the initiative to make plans. He DOESN’T
Do you find yourself always being the one to call him, message him to make plans?
If he/she doesn’t seem to initiate any plans or text you first something is amiss sis. It’s possible the relationship only exists in your mind.
2. You never do things on your own, he has to be a part of it
While you may think it’s cute to always do things together 365 days a year, somethings wrong sis. No matter how serious you may be with this person, it’s not cute to follow them around, actually it says alot about you.
Girl, make your own life, rediscover those things you love doing before he came into the picture. You had friends, hobbies, and travelled.
3. You ALWAYS find yourself making excuses for him
The words to defend him always seem to be at the tip of your mouth, and no one can say anything to defame him. Does he always need to be defended? Don’t blind yourself to him.
When you see your friends rolling their eyes when talking about him, he has been taking advantage of you. The more you defend them, the more we are all twitching around you waiting for you to see reality for what it is, TRUST me.
4. You compromise on the things you really want
Basically, it’s all about him and you slowly forget those things you want to keep him happy . Gal he is manipulating you and will ALWAYS expect you to fit into his plans not the other way round.
online dating
5. Trying to hard to look good for him ALWAYS
Do you find that you can’t be yourself and always have to wear makeup because you feel he appreciates  you that way?
Sis, it’s too much work, and trying too hard for him will backfire.
The person you are with should be able to see you in matuta’s and nasty torn tshirts, without making you feel less like a woman.
6. You’re afraid of confrontation
Growing up many of us were told to fight fair, but in this relationship, you may somewhat be afraid to fight for yourself, because you believe he will leave you if you confront him.
So you end up living your life pleasing him, and the exhaustion sets in.
7. You find yourself waiting around for them
From waiting to eat until he arrives home, or just being unable to make simple family decisions with him, the signs are all there.
Whether you physically wait for them to come back from wherever he went, or you are constantly calling to ask how far away he is, something isn’t right.
You really are worth it, and you deserve the same respect from your boo in return. So keep that in mind.
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