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I Can't Find a Lover, 40-Year-Old President Uhuru's Niece Nana Gecaga Says

I Can't Find a Lover, 40-Year-Old President Uhuru's Niece Nana Gecaga Says

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s niece Nana Gecaga has opened up about her struggle in finding a suitable love partner.

In an interview with Business Daily, Ms Gecaga speaks about different matters including her privilege as a heiress and her rise to corporate leadership.

Asked about her biggest struggles in life, the 40-year-old mother of three mentions finding a genuine partner as one. Gecaga, the Kenyatta International Conference Center (KICC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), said most of the men she had come across were only interested in her status, wealth and networks.

She says getting a genuine man is one thing she has always wanted to achieve but so far has not.

“Getting a genuine partner, I would say. I have struggled with relationships. I have had a couple of good relationships, but mostly it’s been difficult because the people have not been interested in me as a person,” she told veteran writer Jackson Biko.

“But this is not supposed to elicit sympathy. I don’t say I wish I was not born in a family like this, the love that they provide is undisputed. Like I said I've got three beautiful children. I am a single mother and I am not dating or anything like that,” she stated.

Gechaga has previously opened up on her struggle with alcoholism, saying she used to consume a case of beer in a day. She is daughter to Jeni Wambui, President Uhuru’s elder sister.

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