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Miguu Niponye!! Duale Flees After Heated Confrontation in His Backyard [VIDEO]

National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale was forced to cut his speech midway and flee following a commotion in his backyard, Garissa town, over the renovation of the Garissa Town Market.

Leaders traded words and it quickly escalated into a fully-fledged exchange of blows so they had to rush into their awaiting heavily-guarded vehicles and left in a huff.

Supporters of Garissa County Governor Ali Korane clashed with Duale's followers and the situation soon turned chaotic.

The area residents turned on each other with punches and it is at this point that the leaders, including the legislator, had to run for their safety.

"I have been beaten thoroughly by some rowdy youths and those who have attacked us are known by their names," a visibly pained resident told KTN News reporter who was at the event.

Arrests were made and there was public outcry as they claimed that young people were arrested without any proven mistake.

"Kuna watoto wadogo wamekamatwa na hata hatujaona makosa wamefanya (there are young people who have been arrested and we do not know their mistake)," added the victim.

Garissa Police Station was later on flooded by parents and relatives going to bail out their relations whom they said were injured during the fracas.

"We are here to pick our children, we are also aware that they are injured with lots of injuries and we want the police to hand them over to us," a concerned parent stated.

The locals called for the leaders to come to an agreement and end the chaos.

"Sisi tunataka maslahi, hatutaki mambo ya vita. Waelewane vizuri (We want development, not war, may they (leaders) come to an understanding)," the resident stated.

Watch the video below to see how Duale left the meeting.

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