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Stay woke ladies! Akothee exposes a pilot she once dated

Singer Akothee has 'exposed' a pilot she claims lied to her twelve years ago with the promise that he would gift her a piece of land in Bamburi.

In a lengthy post on Instagram, Akothee narrated that among many things holding women back was the allure of 'fake promises.'

“I once dated a pilot who promised me land in Bamburi 2007, land iko View Sasa tuu , if I waited for him, even paying rent in a two bedroom house would be on View Sasa. Nothing can hold a woman back than fake promises,” stated Akothee.

Akothee warned that women should stay 'woke' and refuse to wait for others to come to change the situations they are in.

“Personally I never give promises that I can’t fulfill, I have no stores to keep rubbish, a no is also an answer, don’t try to please me with words while your actions speaks volumes. I will be the most stupid woman to sit down and wait for any human to come change my life both positively or negatively, it didn't happen before and it will never happen. Don’t I have my own brain? Yes, legs: yes very long and beautiful, hands: yes, then what? Stand up woman,” she narrated.

She explained that while some claim that she is arrogant, she is just a woman of her own word who has learnt to stand up for herself.

“Most people think I am rude, yes I am , because I have no time for fake promises and false statements to keep us going, none of the fake promises ever built my mother a mansion, neither paid my bills, neither can I take them to the bank to acquire Ioans.”

In a follow-up post, however, Akothee posted that her followers were at liberty to decide what to do with whatever she posts.

“Follow my advice at your own risk (I don’t hold a degree in marriage, I only hold a diploma in failed relationships)… Every woman wants to get married and settle down with a proper family, but most of the times we fall prey into wrong hands, mess up ourselves, commit too much, get comfortable and before you know it, you are kicked out with a hand full of children,” added Akothee.
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