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Harambee Stars Striker Who Could Only Play After Sipping Alcohol

Before taking to the field for high stake matches, players have a way of calming their nerves and walking out to expectant fans.

Some footballers engage in rituals like listening to music, purging, secluding themselves and taking showers with very cold water to 'get in the zone' and stay focussed.

An unwritten rule for the players and religiously implemented by team managers is not to engage in sexual activities before the big games.

Well, Harambee Stars players have had their fair share of unorthodox rituals before matches as was witnessed when the late Charles Ochieng' was part of the squad.

In the last quarter of the 1900s, the player was known for his great headers on the pitch. His skill made him a spectacular talent to watch while playing.

In those days, doping was a rarity and the crackdown on drug abuse wasn't as strict as it is now which meant that many players could drink or smoke before playing.

According to Nation in 2006, Ochieng' who was viewed as one of the finest strikers Kenya has ever produced would insist on a having a "sip" before taking the field.

"He would only put up his best performance and score goals that mattered in crucial matches allegedly after a tipple," the publication stated.

Then Harambee Stars manager Mohammed Mahmoud was aware of Ochieng's pre-match ritual and allegedly always made sure he had something in the bag for the star player before a big match.

His special offering made him very popular with the players.

"There was an occasion when Ochieng' would hold the team officials - notably the team manager and coach - to ransom by refusing to be included in the starting line-up unless his needs were met. Mahmoud, it is said, was always ready to oblige," the article by the Nation further stated.

Ochieng' led Re-Union and Harambee Stars attacks for several years.
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