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Anyang' Nyong'o's Mother Dies

Kisumu Governor Anyang' Nyong'o during an address on May 27, 2019.
The family of Kisumu Governor Anyang' Nyong'o is in mourning following the passing of his mother Mama Dorcas Owino Nyong'o.

Sending his condolences, AU Special Envoy Raila Odinga described Mama Dorcas as a true matriarch and pillar of the Nyongo family.

"She never stopped serving and guiding the family and the community she was part of despite her advancing years.

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"She leaves behind a legacy of remarkable leadership and great heart. We are profoundly grateful for having known her. Our family will be forever grateful for the friendship we formed that has stood the test of time.

"Our family will be forever grateful for the friendship we formed that has stood the test of time. Our hearts and prayers are with the entire Nyongo clan at this moment of grief. May God grant the family the fortitude and faith to cope with the loss," he stated.

Kenyans online sent their messages of condolences to the county head
"Pole sana kwa familia ya (Condolences to the family of Anyang Nyong'o may God give them strength and empower them through this tough period," one user, Janice Otieno stated.

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