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My first job after form four was as a house girl -Muranga Women Rep Sabina Chege

Sabina Chege

Speaking during a prize-giving ceremony at Kahuhia Girls High School Murang’a Woman Representative Sabina Chege disclosed that she once worked as a house help. She was speaking to the young women of Kahuria Girs when she told the untold story of herself. Before getting known she is a woman who had struggled to make ends meet.

Born as a last born in a family of 9, her childhood wasn’t perfect. There were no leadership qualities in any of the family members well, except for her. After finishing high school, the lady worked as a house-help.

“I have made mistakes. I have also gone through a lot of difficult moments. We’ve never had the chairman of a cattle dip in my family but through God’s grace, I am the first one to get to the leadership level.

“In my first attempt, I became the chairperson of the education committee in the whole Republic of Kenya. Right now I’m serving my second term and I am the chairperson of the health committee in the Republic of Kenya” she stated.

She later got a job as a broadcaster at Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC). She revealed that she played Rehema in popular TV drama Tausi.

“Parents who are here, I know you used to watch Rehema in Tausi. She’s the same person who is standing in front of you now as an elected legislator,” Chege added.

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“My first job after form 4 was as a house-help...“sisemi sijasoma”, I have a Masters Degree in Communication” - Sabina Chege
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