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Matungu boy buried as fear spreads

Mourners carry the body of Malik Murunga during

The seven-year-old pupil who was stabbed to death by unknown people in Matungu constituency in Kakamega County on Sunday was laid to rest at his parents’ home as fear gripped the neighbouring Navakholo constituency after residents stumbled on leaflets warning them of an impending attack by a killer gang.

Malik Wamukoya Murunga, who was a Class One pupil at Bulimbo Star Academy, was buried at his parents' home in Panyako village, Kholera ward in an emotional send-off attended by villagers Wednesday.

Teachers and pupils of Bulimbo Star Academy attended the burial and struggled to control tears as prayers were being said before the burial took place.

Villagers trooped to the home in a sombre mood, too scared to utter a word about the bizarre killing of the boy.

"Villagers are living in fear because of the attacks targeting innocent villagers. There are strange people roaming in maize farms and we do not know what their intentions are. We are asking security chiefs to step up patrols and arrest the suspects," said Ms Alima Wamukoya, the Panyako village elder.

Malik Wamukoya Murunga in an undated photo. He
Malik Wamukoya Murunga in an undated photo. He was a Grade One pupil at Bulimbo Star Academy. PHOTO | ISAAC WALE | NATION MEDIA GROUP
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