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Only three matatus per Sacco to be allowed into CBD

File image of matatus in Nairobi. PHOTO| COURTESY

Only three matatus per Sacco will be allowed within the Nairobi city centre in a new deal between operators and Governor Mike Sonko.

According to Mr. Jimal Ibrahim, chairman of the Association of Matatu Operators, the decision was reached at during a closed-door meeting.

“The Governor called the meeting at 5.am today…We have agreed that only 3 vehicles will be entering the CBD per Sacco for example if its Embassava 3 vehicles, it wont be like in the past when all vehicles used to enter the city,” he said.

He was speaking on Tuesday after the CBD matatu ban was suspended.

The chairman added that those at the meeting represented different stakeholders within the city and it was aimed at deliberating on how to decongest the city.

According to him, the move to reduce the number of matatus per Sacco is informed by the increasing number of such firms in the city from 6 to over 200.

He lauded the Governor for acknowledging the plight of operators and commuters but maintained that eventually there will be no public service vehicles accessing the CBD.

“What I can tell the people of Nairobi is that soon we are leaving the CBD, they should be prepared.”

“We have formed a committee to decongest Nairobi, by Tuesday you will see the youth who will help us control traffic congestion,” he said.

He also noted that there are plans to negotiate with the Kenya Railways and other stakeholders so that alternative transport services are made affordable and convenient.

Mr. Ibrahim however urged the governor to get rid of traffic officers in the city claiming that they engage in corrupt practices and sabotage transport operations.

“We are asking the governor to remove traffic police officers from the city, they threaten us and are involved in corrupt practices, let the county government control the CBD and traffic officers take over round-abouts,” he added.

Governor Mike Sonko suspended the controversial matatu ban on Tuesday morning after chaos erupted and Kenyans had to walk long distances to access the city centre.
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