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13 things a man does that annoys his woman


1. Ogling eyes

Checking out other women's butts and boobs. It shows lust and a fisi mentality. Women find this behavior disrespectful and may ultimately bring about trust issues. ​

2. Lying 
Women can tell when a man is lying. Our inner gut is too sharp. She is grown, she can handle the truth. Give it to her straight.

3. Not accepting correction
What is the point of her being in your life if she can't build you and watch out for you?

4. Over selling and under delivering 
Don't talk a big game. If you said you will do something, do it! If you can't, don't promise it.

5. Removing the heart in lovemaking
Don't just roll over and sleep when done, cuddle her. She doesn't want to feel like a sex object either, so don't cheapen her by demanding sex yet you treat her badly.

6. Uncleanliness 
Take care of yourself. Wear clean things, brush your teeth, change clothes, wash up, wash your hands. Have a shave. Go for a haircut. Look good. Smell nice.

7. Sexist jokes
Don't look down on women then laugh about it. It's not appreciated.

8. Laziness
Don't be lazy treating your woman/wife like a house help, being lazy in tidying up the mess you make, being lazy in building a life. Be motivated even if life is tough and doors keep closing.

9. Sidelining her in decision making 
Women hate it when their men fail to keep them on the know and do things without consulting them or just altogether disregarding her input.

10. Watching porn 
She cringes that you lust after other women for sexual stimulation.

11. Public humiliation

Don't order her around or treat her like a trophy, respect her and treat her like the queen that she is.

12. Big ego
Don't be so full of yourself that living with you becomes dreadful. Keep it humble.

13. Flirting 
Flirting with other women at work, on the streets or on social media claiming it is nothing serious. Doing so shows a total disrespect to what you have with her.
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