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Armed Foreigner Storms Into Mosque Disrupting Prayers

A photo showing a mosque in Kenya. Praying faithfuls were confronted by an armed foreigner in their morning prayers in Taita Taveta.

An enraged South African man was on Wednesday morning arrested after storming into a mosque in Taita Taveta armed with a loaded firearm disrupting prayers.

The foreigner complained that the praying faithfuls were disturbing his peace.

“The suspect in our custody entered into the Mosque and demanded that worshipers reduce the sound of the communications system. We have arrested the suspect and will be arraigned soon. We will charge him for creating disturbance,” Taveta Sub County Police Commander Lawrence Marwa confirmed.

His actions caused a great stir to the faithfuls who were immersed in their earnest prayers as it is their custom during the Ramadan period.

This happened during the morning prayers (Subuh) at 4 am.

The terrified worshipers recounted the events to The Standard of how the suspect arrived in a vehicle and parked it outside before rushing into the Mosque wielding a pistol.
The congregants stared with shock as the suspect fragrantly did the impossible and disrupted their much-treasured prayer session.

“We could not believe our eyes when the suspect stormed into the Mosque brandishing a pistol without uttering any word. He went straight to the public address system and disconnected it using pliers then walked away," recounted Muhdin Musa, an elder of the Mosque.

Walking into the mosque with a weapon is not allowed according to the Quran dictates.

“The mosque is a holy place where nobody can enter with a weapon,” Musa added.

The local area MCA Chanzu Khamadi helped return normalcy as angry residents protested the actions of the South African.
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