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Socialite Corazon Kwamboka reveals face of racist man sending her threats

Kenyan lawyer and socialite Corazon Kwamboka has finally revealed the face of the man sending her endless racist threats because of being in a relationship with a white man.
According to Corazon, the individual has been threatening her through direct messaging on her Instagram account. In a recent post, the socialite revealed a screenshot of the message she received alongside a picture of the man.
In the message, the man who goes by the username sincere_1120720019 suggested that Corazon makes black women look horrible and that she is being sold as a slave. 
The man Corazon says is threatening her [Photo: Instagram]
You make black woman look horrible your being sold like slave to a white man you nasty excuse for a black woman you have lost your way with this European couture you get it one day your black ass is hanging from end of a rope,” he threatened.
Corazon explained that she opted to post his face and message on her page rather than lash out.
This is not the first time Corazon is getting threats for dating white men. A while back she received a rather disturbing comment on her Instagram page after posting a video of herself in the gym.
The Kenyan lawyer broke up with her Italian boyfriend a while back due to distance and constant frustrating arguments.
Corazon Kwamboka with her Italian ex-boyfriend [Photo: Courtesy]
“I loved this guy! But the distance just couldn’t allow us to be together, it’s been tough and we were not happy. The funny thing is the last day I was with him in April, I made a video on my Instagram asking guys for advice on how to survive a long distance relationship, after endless struggle and fights for little things because we were both agitated about everything coz we missed each other, we finally decided to quit. I’m single and happy, focusing on myself and law practice. I’m sure I will find love and when it’s real; it will be easy,” she wrote.
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