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Shock as ESTHER PASSARIS is confined to a wheelchair after medical procedure she underwent backfired badly on her-Pray for her

Nairobi Women Representative Esther Passaris was forced to use a wheelchair around the airport after a medical procedure she underwent left her in more pain than she anticipated.

Venting on social media, Passaris revealed that her body gave in after she stood for more than 45 minutes in a queue and she had to use a wheelchair.

She further revealed that the condition involving an injured sciatic nerve/ L4/L5 bulging disc was brought about 20 years ago during her pregnancy.

She underwent a procedure she termed as Dry Needling hoping that it would remedy the situation but ended up making it worse.

Her Personal Assistant Muhinza Bushoki confirmed that indeed Passaris was in a lot of pain and could not stand for long.

According to Bushoki, Passaris situation began going worse after she underwent surgery in January this year.

"What I can tell you is that she was in a lot of pain which is why she had to sit on that wheelchair...She had surgery in January and that is what made things a little bit worse in that she was on the operating table for a long time.”

"She had been trying to take care of it, but today particularly, she was in a lot of pain so she had to be assisted during the airport mobility," he stated.

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