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This is where Rnaze spent the night after kicking Natalie Tewa out (VIDEO EVIDENCE)

Natalie Tewa and Rnaze were trending yesterday after news broke that they had ended their relationship.
It was the topic of discussion all day long which clearly proved that many Kenyans had invested in their relationship.
A video doing rounds of Natalie crying after being thrown out by her ex, Rnaze got the attention of many people. Lasses supported her side of the story while the fellas were interested just because she is now single.
The commotion in their apartment attracted the attention of curious neighbors after Rnaze threw her out.
He was publicly dumped on his 30th birthday but that did not stop him for turning up. After gaining more than 10,000 followers, he took to social media showing a video of where he will be spending his night.
He captioned it:
some peace and quiet
The shows a room with two beds with white bedsheets -a symbol of peace- and it was silent after all the drama he had during the day.
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He then goes on to show us how he spent his birthday in the company of a few celebrities including Kagwe Muigai and Vera Sidika. Yes, Vera is back in the 254 and what better to way to alert us than appearing in a video of her turning up with the man of the hour, Rnaze.

As he was turning up, his ex, Natalie Tewa was busy planning for her next trip to Italy. This will be the first trip in a long time Natalie will be riding solo well unless many of these happy thirsty men will have a chance.

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