Would you forgive your spouse if you caught him/her cheating on you not once not twice but nine times? That is the dilemma a city man is dealing with.
*John* says that he has caught his wife cheating on him 9 times but every time he forgives her with the hope that she will change.
She has cheated on my 9 times and I keep forgiving her just like my bible said because I love her.What kills me is the fact that she sleeps with different men.
Every time I catch her it is with a different man. I am not poor at least I bought her the car she is driving and pay her rent. I give her allowance every month and I swear I am very big down there.
I don’t really know what she wants because I can’t say it is for money because she has Avery good job .I am tired of everything but I love her so much.

What hurts John the most is knowing that despite his wife’s promiscuous behavior he has never cheated on her.
What hurts the most is that I have never played her, I am a very cute guy not bragging but I know how many girls hit on me everyday but I don’t look at them all I want is my woman .
Every time I catch her she cries and beg never to do it again and after 2 weeks or less she is with another guy .
How do I make her stop cheating on me ? My mum said if I marry her she might reduce it maybe because she needs some kind of assurance.Should I go ahead and marry her and hope she will change or I should just let her go.
Like any other man John goes on to state that he is willing to do everything possible just to save his relationship .
I feel she can change but I don’t know how to make her change . Every time I have to make love to her I cry because the imagination of other men keeps flashing in my head .
I no longer want her body anymore but yet I still want her around me, how do u make a women stop cheating?