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‘My 4-year-olds classmate asked her for s3x’ Cries shocked parent


Maina Kageni was left in shock after learning children as young as 12 are s#xually active and their dads are not bothered arguing hio ni shida ya mama yao.
According to Maina it is scary to learn that most people learn about s3xuality in Sunday school. One caller left many shocked after admitting that she once caught kids getting intimate.

I once came across two kids having s#x and when I asked them what they were doing they said they were doing what they see mum and dad do.

Another caller adds

Maina this things are happening.The other day my daughter aged four told me a boy in her class told her wafanye tabia mbaya.

The good thing I have had the talk with her and she knows no body can touch her except me.Talks about s3xuality should begin at a very early age.

Angry mother scolding a disobedient child
Angry mother scolding a disobedient child

Another caller adds

As parents we have a lot to teach our kids but parents nowadays are not stepping up to their responsibilities opting to leave it to other people.

The major problem is parenting.

70 % of the kids at Sunday school (Class 3 and 4) are sexually active because parents are too busy and they do not know who their kids hang out with.

Something needs to be done Maina.

Another caller adds

As parents we have lost it in the name of being modern .What does a child as young as 6 year old need a phone for?

If its an emergency why not buy them a kabambe instead of a smart phone?My 9 year old has to ask for permission to watch TV.

In my house there is no TV from Monday to Friday ,they only watch on weekends and that is after they have done their homework.

What does it take to tell a kid no you can’t play wit

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