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Natalie Tewa’s ex, Rnaze commits social media suicide

Last week, Natalie Tewa and Rnaze were trending not because they are considered a power couple goals but because they broke up.
This was the most unexpected news and it wasn’t delivered in the best way. It was broken on social media and then videos leaked of Rnaze kicking Natalie out of their house.
They accused each other of cheating, with Rnaze going public about the allegations.
Today we have woken up to some rather shocking news. After Rnzae allegedly deleted some of his ex’s pictures on social media and most of her YouTube content, he has now deleted his Instagram account.
Maybe because of all the trolling that is going on.
He gained at least 10,000 followers in a day after the scandal and now he is down to Zero. Was this his plan after turning 30 to keep off social media and focus on his life purely with no distractions.
Natalie seems to have moved on so fast. She is planning to go to Italy but this time on her own for the first time.

Let’s wait and see how the vlog will look considering this is the first time she will be vlogging on her own.
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