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Why you should go commando to workout

Generally, there is the fear of contracting vaginal infections at germy places- precisely what gyms are- and the thought of not wearing underwear beneath your yoga pants definitely worsens your case. 

Ladies are naturally self-conscious about being or feeling exposed, and that is why going commando to the gym does not make a lot of sense. Well, it does not end there as going sans undies to the gym has a couple of benefits:

Underwear lines always show underneath yoga pants and leggings. Going without saying, this is quite despicable to most ladies. 

Opting for thongs and G-strings seems to be the obvious alternative but are you ready for the irritation, discomfort and you constantly pulling them out of your crack after a stretch? Not putting on a panty will make you feel comfortable and boost your confidence as you don’t have to worry about underwear lines.

Irritation around your labia is another common cause of discomfort during a workout. 

Mostly, the fabric of your underwear, such as satin and lace, are responsible for the irritation. Why not do away with that extra layer of potentially irritating material?

There are also health benefits to ditching innerwear when going to the gym. Not having a panty during workout lowers your chances of contracting a yeast infection. All you need is a pair of moisture-wicking workout leggings. 

Synthetic pants and those made from non-breathable fabric do not let your crotch sweat dry and thus can lead to a bacterial imbalance which in turn causes a yeast or bacterial infection

It is, however, prudent to note that it is not just any pair of leggings that can be worn panty-less without any probable embarrassments. 

The thicker the leggings, the better. Those with thicker materials will help you avoid the awkward camel toe moments. 

Also, it is not a guarantee that darker leggings are the best as even these can appear transparent when in certain lighting conditions, depending on how thin they are.

If you consider going commando, you have to ensure your leggings are firm, breathable and moisture-wicking to help sweat dry and not move around your skin too much. 

Uncomfortable pants that are less fitting will result in the constant rubbing of your labia, and this can cause abrasions, swelling or inflammation. 

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