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Confessions: My wife does these strange things at night, could she be a witch?

For years now, my wife has been acting strange and I don’t know what to make of this. Sometimes, I find her seated on the floor in the late hours of the night mumbling strange things in low tones and with candles lit around her.
On one or two occasions, she became hysterical and started rolling on the floor. She has unusual sleeping hours, sometimes she has secret boxes in her closet, among other things. When I ask what this is all about, she says that she is usually praying at night and that the things she sprinkles around are meant to sanctify our house and get rid of evil spirits. I don’t buy any of this because I think she behaves more like a witch than a Christian. We are Christians and she is even ‘born again’ but I think she may be engaging in black magic. Please advise me.

What readers say
Philip, from your explanation & how I understand the black magic I confirm that she is practicing. Black magic is a strong latent force that when it enters the system of the human body, it causes a lot of disturbance of mind, body & soul. This kind of magical presence destroys the life of the victim. I would advise you seek the help of a professional and reputable spiritual healer to save your wife from all this, do this as soon as possible to save your home & marriage.
{Fred Jausenge}

Tell her you are uncomfortable with her actions and that she must stop it. As well you may insist on knowing where she prays, whom this pastor is and from where she is learning these things. Be polite but firm as this could quickly escalate into a bigger problem an it could even take you or your children in. She must stop and stop or leave you to live a straight life and in peace with yourself and with the world around you.
{Tasma Saka}
You must be going through a difficult time and I believe that your wife needs prayer or psychiatric help and more so early treatment before this gets worse. Another alternative your wife might have joined a cult or is a practicing witch who is posing as a Christian. You will need to seriously talk to her about this with the aim of helping her out of it but be prepared to leave her and end that marriage if this does not work. You may also talk to her close friends or relatives to find out why she is doing this. If you find out that your wife is in a cult advice her to stop or consult the medical doctor to treat your wife.
{Onyango Outha}

Simon says
The general assumption is that witchcraft or black magic is practiced by poor people tucked deeply away in rural areas. This is very far from the truth as witchcraft is also practiced by the elite and well-to-do in society, some of who may be your colleagues, neighbours and friends. Sometimes it is somewhat difficult to know when people are into such things since the societies of those that practice them are highly secretive and go through great lengths to conceal this. However, your wife’s behaviour and practices actually confirm that she is into this and we need to deal with this situation from this understanding.

It must be tough for you to actually confirm that your spouse and more-so wife is into witchcraft. The thing with witchcraft is that it is a diverse and highly demanding society often requesting certain things to attain various goals. You really don’t want to hang around until you or your blood or body parts are required. The staunch Christian character is only a cover-up and soon she will reveal her entire self.
From where I sit, you only have one option and this is to try and rescue her from this evil practice. If this does not work, I may only encourage you to leave the marriage and go away. Nothing good can come from a spouse engaging in witchcraft. If she does not accept your help towards leaving this cult then leave at the earliest opportunity when you have a chance otherwise you will also get on the menu. She may be sprinkling things around the house and chanting in strange tongues for now but in due time, she may do more that may harm you or your children. If you cannot help her early, just get out of that relationship. You are the one who stands to lose if she continues working in the dark world.
There is really no other way of dealing with this and I encourage you to be alert and prepared to get her out of your life should things not change soon. Kindly do pray for her and give her all the support she needs to get up and out of this otherwise things may get very difficult for you.
Simon is a relationships counsellor

Boke says
Your wife could be involved in some strange sect or cult that borders around the major religions as well as the African traditional religion. But what is clear is that she is quite spooky.
It should be possible for you to trace the origin of her weird behaviour especially now that you say that both of you are born again and probably go to the same church. If this is the case then she could be associating with another group outside your usual religious circle that could have influenced her into this.
Religious persuasions can be compared to political following and convictions — they both run deep and are less open to reasoning. This is what can make it difficult for you to have a sensible discussion around this topic. It becomes even harder if the individual has reached a point where they are ready to lose anything for their religion.
If talking to her has failed, I suggest you use another individual or people who she honours and holds in high regard. Let them talk to her and highlight the effects her strange practices could have on her and the family.
If this has been brought about by wrong association then help her to free herself from them. Such groups have a way of  manipulating and controlling people. They could use intimidation to cause fear or awaken a guilt consciousness in people to keep them bound.
Once she is free, endeavour to have similar experiences as far as you spiritual walk is concerned. This is a way of protecting each other from drifting into strange grounds, spiritually speaking.
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